If you think that masturbation and anything that has to do with it has anything pervert or sick then you should probably stop reading. Because from this post you can expect words like MASTURBATION and VAGINA. And you know what? Those are words that exist so we can use them. And I don’t understand why are those words taboo. Those are just words. Stop making something sick of something normal.

It makes me sad that a lot of girls still look disgusted when I talk about masturbation or say the word vagina etc. And how surprised they are. And the only question I have in my mind is why? Why this looks? Why is it so weird to talk about it? 
I do blame parents. A lot of parents try to tell their children that touching their bodies is wrong, dirty and bad. But why? Probably because their parents did the same. But why is touching your own body worse that touching someone else's body?
Freud, have you heard of anal phase? It’s when your little baby is watching what is coming out of its body and also touching and just discovering. And that’s good! Because it’s your body. You should know how it looks, what it feels like etc.  And Parents that try to stop that are just making a big damage.

I do think that masturbation is good. It’s healthy. Touching your body to know how it feels and what feels good to you and what not. Masturbation in front of a mirror lets you see what your vagina looks like. And every vagina looks different. You can learn how a vagina looks like from books or from some porn movies. But the thing is that these shown vaginas aren’t yours. They are different and you should never forget that the vaginas that are shown to you are mostly perfectionated(fake). Which just isn’t real. And we are real. You are real. And so is your vagina. Just the way it is. And this is what masturbation will give you! It will let you love your vagina! And that is important. Because it’s important to love your body. Everything. And sooner or later you will share your vagina with someone, you will let someone love it. But how can you share something with someone without loving it, and expect to be happy? You can’t. You won’t. 

So touch your body! Masturbate till you scream. Make yourself happy. And don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong. Because there is nothing wrong with your own body. And your body is your business.

Have fun!  

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