Barbara Millicent Roberts

The meaning of perfection. Long, blond, shiny hair. Beautiful, bright, blue eyes: Perfect skin with the right pigmentation, perfectly sized breasts that will never be saggy. And a body shape to die for. And as a cherry on the top of it the perfect smile that always stays and shows the perfect white stain that is supposed to be teeth. Perfection.
A lot of little girls or boys love barbie. And they see it as a perfect, as an idol and as an icon. But is it really an idol we want to be like? Do we really want to be so fake that it seems to be 

Sometimes I think it is so. I feel like if something is fake people think it's perfect. But isn't perfect everything we have, just the way it is? Aren't our small or big boobs perfect just the way they are? Our long, short, bright, dark, colorful hair, freckles, our different body shapes... 

Different. This is perfect to me, that we all are different and by that perfect just the way we are. Perfection to me is diversity and uniqueness. And not something that is made of plastic and doesn't even have nipples.
So please, love yourself, you are perfect just the way you are, you only need to accept it and you will see it. Let yourself be perfect


And as it is 2017 this is what I wish to all of you. To be true to yourself, accept yourself and love yourself. Find your inner and external beauty and spread it and love it and show it and enjoy it. Stop always be so critical of yourself. Let yourself do mistakes and see it as something good.
I hope for all of us that this is going to be a beautiful year!

Happy New Year!

Good Luck&Have Fun

PS.: If you are looking for a doll for your child but you don't want it to have a wrong body image, I recommend to check out Barbie Fashionista. These are dolls that suppose to look more realistic. I saw it with my sister and we were a little bit impressed. So go check it out → Barbie Fashionista on Amazon!


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