
 Propriety is, in my opinion, a general knowledge that everyone should know but unfortunately not everyone does.

 When I was about 7/8 years old, me and my class was on a trip to a castle. We were just about 2 days. In the castle we learned how to eat , what cutlery to use, how to behave, how to speak and talk with someone properly. Nowadays more and more rarely you can see someone to know which hand holds a fork, how to behave in a restaurant, and what you just shouldn't do. Young people think they don't need to know this. Sure ? In my opinion, manners and to know how to appropriately behave in different situations, is general knowledge and if someone has it and uses in life, he is a social person at some appropriate level. Young people who are talking with an older person with no respect, or as with a buddy, at the same time holding their hands in the pocket, shows how social they are.

 I'm sure that at least 50% of you don't know what savoir vivre is.

And this is what I mean, people don't know that, what is general knowledge. General knowledge as well as to know when began First and Second World War, or who was Shakespeare, or what is photosynthesis. These are just things that you need to know.

 My wish would be that young people began to be well-behaved. I hope this won't stay just my wish because otherwise we will live in a world full of arrogant snobs. And do we want that?

Be polite with smile!
Be good.

Have fun! :) 


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